My Story:

From Corporate Maze to the Dance of Life

In the heart of New Jersey, I grew up under the watchful eye of high achievers. My father, a Fortune 50 executive, and my mother, who rose through the ranks to lead the local United Way, set the stage for a life of excellence. Their standards were high, and I, a young dreamer aspiring to become a ballerina, was eager to meet them.

Ballet became my passion. At the tender age of 10, I found myself in six ballet classes a week, gracefully pirouetting into the world of artistry. Then, there were the annual performances with the New Jersey Ballet, including a coveted role in “The Nutcracker.” My dedication knew no bounds.

But life had more to offer. High school brought my parents’ divorce, the loss of all three living grandparents, and a barrage of challenging questions. The one I asked most often was, “How can I get it right?” My quest for excellence extended beyond the stage. I wanted to excel at everything, to bring joy to my parents amid turmoil.

Boston College marked the start of my journey, and after two years, I secured a fellowship at the University of Michigan’s Ross Business School. Armed with my education, I entered the corporate world, beginning with Boise Cascade Office Products Division. IBM soon beckoned me for my marketing expertise, and I answered that call.

My career soared, marked by the successful launch of several projects. Alongside my professional achievements, I built a family, welcoming two daughters into my life.

Everything appeared to be going well until it wasn't.

In a whirlwind of years, my world was shaken. The untimely loss of my mother, my divorce, and the burden of inconsistent child support payments left me in a state of limbo. I was simply existing with no real passion in sight. Hobbies were a luxury, and the prospect of a fulfilling romance seemed distant.

Work, once a source of satisfaction, felt like a mundane chore. The weight of financial obligations, including my children’s private school expenses, only added to my stress. I missed my mother, who had been my best friend. I was neither miserable nor happy but stuck in a challenging and uninspiring place.

Then came the revelation: for things to change, I had to change.

My transformation began with relentless study under the guidance of various mentors. I invested heavily in time and money to learn, apply, and repeat. Slowly but surely, I made changes in my career that not only brought me more joy but also a significant increase in income.

IBM had always held me in high regard, but now I was taking on even bigger roles, reaping the rewards of my newfound passion. Life had become a whirlwind of activity, with weekly commutes between Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Baltimore. I even found time to train small businesses on growth strategies every Saturday.

The revelation struck me—life could be rewarding despite hard work. I lived on my own terms and had mastered my emotions, allowing me to navigate challenges without suffering. I embraced passion in both my work and daily life, making every endeavor seem effortless.

Just as I concluded my largest deal at IBM, life threw me another curveball. My brother fell seriously ill and needed my care. I decided to take a leave of absence to be there for him and recharge my own spirit. Family had become my priority, and during this break, I continued to invest in myself through coaching and speaking training.

My return to the corporate world didn't align with my plans.


The job I ended up with was uninspiring and far from my skills and passions. Realizing I couldn’t endure an unfulfilling role for long, I embarked on a passion project—writing a book on raising independent young adults.

Since leaving IBM, my journey has taken me on various fulfilling projects, from consulting with businesses to increase revenue and efficiency to speaking on Tony Robbins’ stage. I also provide training on leadership communication skills and empower women on their journey from a good life to greatness

Today, I stand on stages, sharing my story and offering audiences a step-by-step process to empower themselves, reduce burnout, and savor the sweetness of life.

My journey is a testament to the power of transformation, the resilience of the human spirit, and the dance of life itself. It’s a story of finding one’s passion and purpose, even in the face of adversity and embracing the art of living fully.

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